Light & Medium Fabrication
- All-Terrain Vehicles (ATV) – Structural Parts
- Cabins for 3 Wheelers
- Frame Assemblies for Conventional and Electric Three Wheelers
- The Underframe of Bombardier Metro / Tram
- Frame and Chassis for Circuit Breakers / Switchgears
- Seat Frame Parts – Metro Coaches
- Shields
- EMS EU Mounting Bracket
- Fabricated Bumper for HCV
- Guide Runner and Fender Assemblies
- Rear Twist Beam
- Front Cross Members
- Chassis Members for Passenger and Commercial Vehicles
- Miscellaneous structures

Heavy & Medium Fabrication
- End Wall for Railway LHB Coaches
- Long hood For Railway Engines WDG4 DLW
- SS End Wall for Railways MRVC Coach ICF
- Retention Tank for Railway LHB Coaches
- Retention Tank for Train 18 Coaches
- Stainless Steel Roof Water Tank –Indian Railways
- Miscellaneous structures